Telltale signs of a bloodless coup

Since there’s been a lot of talk about the so-called end of democracy this election cycle, I thought that I would try to describe the most logical way that someone would actually accomplish such a thing.

The most intelligent way to do this is not to actually destroy democracy but to pervert it. Because a house majority can only be guaranteed for two years, that is the time frame. So here it goes.

  • First, there must be unified government. One party must control the House,Senate, and Presidency.
  • Second, the legislative filibuster must be eliminated, at least long enough to complete the next two steps. This will allow any legislation to pass the Senate quickly, on a simple majority vote. There’s no time for deliberation. This step should be a huge red flag.
  • Third, the Supreme Court must be “reformed” by adding enough new Justices to guarantee an ideological majority. Additional legislation is assured to pass constitutional muster.
  • Fourth, millions of new loyal voters must be created, somehow. This makes permanent one party rule possible. In this way, democracy is weaponized against itself.
  • Fifth, dissent must not be allowed. Media and social media are coerced into silencing any opposing viewpoints and freedom of speech is greatly weakened. Need be, this can be done by executive orders.
  • Sixth, all important aspects of everyday life are controlled by the use of mandates which tax, fine, or otherwise penalize those who fail to obey. This robs the population of all hope. It takes the fight out of them. This too could largely be accomplished through executive orders.

There could be a problem with step three. An overt attempt by two branches of government to subvert a supposedly coequal third branch certainly seems to be, at least on the surface, unconstitutional. After step two though, this would be little more than a speed bump.

Anyone who reads this is encouraged to discuss it whenever possible. Now would be a perfect time to have a national conversation on the subject.